Jean M. Mahserjian, Esq. and her team of New York Divorce Lawyers are dedicated to helping you get the best outcome for your uncontested divorce. Whether you have had a short marriage, or a marriage without children, an uncontested divorce may be for you. Our New York Divorce Lawyers offer you a Quick Uncontested Divorce Online.
Divorce Mediation Over Litigation Why It’s Better to Mediate Than to Litigate Experienced Saratoga divorce lawyer Jean Mahserjian explains the benefits of divorce mediation over litigation in New York No divorce is a simple, straightforward process. Many fear that their divorce will reach litigation. Divorces involve the division of two lives, and the process can…
Dividing Business Assets in a New York Divorce When we are talking about the division of assets under New York law, we are talking about the division of both debts and assets that were accumulated during the marriage. The New York domestic relations law has an expansive definition of marital property and a less expansive…
Uncommon Child Custody Issues in New York Child custody is one of the more difficult issues when it comes to divorce and separation. There must be a provision for the custody of children aged 18 years or younger. Children are not emancipated unless they are 21 years old in New York state. However, a court…
New York Online Divorce Guide The thought of hiring an attorney and going through a divorce can make many people feel sick. The New York Online Divorce Guide was created by Jean Mahserjian and her Albany Divorce Attorneys to help those looking for a quality, low cost divorce online. The process of obtaining a divorce…
Cheap New York Uncontested Divorce Online The process of obtaining a divorce is often a complicated process. But it does not need to be so. In order to simplify and speed up this process, the Law Office of Jean Mahserjian offers an array of online flat fee services. These include conversion divorce, mediated divorce, separation…
Spousal Maintenance: 3 Dirty Secrets Spousal maintenance is a term that covers what clients will refer to as alimony or spousal support. In New York state, the correct term is spousal maintenance. There are 2 types of spousal maintenance. Both are defined by statute. The first is temporary spousal maintenance. It is the spousal maintenance…
Transitioning from Separation to Divorce Most individuals are unaware of the different steps every couple goes through in the process of obtaining a divorce. Celebrity divorces that are commonly popularized on television are not accurate depictions of the actual process. Usually, the chaos surrounding these cases is sensationalized in an effort to garner publicity. Download…
Calculating Child Support in New York State Question: I am Divorced and my Ex and Myself have 50% custody of two boys (19yrs and 14yrs of age) whereas we both have the boys equal time throughout the week/year. We both have shared physical custody. We both make above average salaries (I make 97k and she…
Will the Court Choose Daycare Over Familycare? Question: My ex is taking me to court for custody. She has insisted that we pay her friend to babysit but my sister has offered free care for my son when we are both at work. She does not like my sister and refuses. The way I see…
A Complete Guide to Divorce in New York State The process of obtaining a divorce is often a complicated process. But it does not need to be so. In order to simplify and speed up this process, the Law Office of Jean Mahserjian offers an array of online flat fee services. These include conversion divorce,…